2011 In Review

The last year proved to be a pretty amazing one for There Is No Sin. The new CD came out, they toured France and garnered some great press to boot.

We thought it would be nice to put together a Year In Review. If we missed anything let us know!

June 2011
The first video from the new CD is released. Filmed in California by Rukshan Thenuwara and friends, its noir black and white appeal makes it a quick hit.

August 2011
A track from the new CD is featured in the US indie magazine Under The Radar’s digital sampler!

September 2011
Troy gets his first Australian interview with Evan Kanarakis of the online zine The Cud.

October 2011
The first international tour by There Is No Sin hits France. A great kick-off to the tour too with an initial meeting by the photographer of the CD, Christophe Garnier and Troy.

October 2011
The first round of CDs are gone the same week they go on sale. In a scramble, we order the next round and find that overnight shipping for thousands of CDs just ain’t cost effective.

October 2011
Hometown paper The Portland Phoenix surprises with a beautiful write-up on We Are Revealed. Writer Sam Pfeifle captures the ideas behind the book too.

December 2011
The Portland Phoenix just kept our jaws dropped this year! We Are Revealed was named the Top Album of 2011. Troy was beside himself. We got our thinking caps on and started planning a show in Portland.