Tag: update

  • March Madness and Other News

    March Madness and Other News

    March offers no downtime. To all of you One Longfellow attendees, thank you. You made for an entertaining night. Our upcoming forays include a live radio event and a few shows (easy ones, all local). It’s rather vague at the moment. Also, I’m posting a new track here this week.

  • There Is No Sin – We Are Revealed

    This image is from the last page of the book. The proofs arrived, so I spent a few hours doing just that: proofreading. It worked out. A bit of beer to ease the tedium of reading something for the umpteenth time. In a few weeks, we’ll have the first batches heading to the lovely folks…

  • New Lyrics Posted

    Way ahead of the grunt work for the new CD, I decided to post the lyrics. As a kid, I would pore through my records, decoding them, writing the words in notebooks. There was a lot of magic in that. Unfortunately, when it’s your own writing things are a bit different. Click here for the…

  • Packing and Thinking

    When I’m in a hurry, with no time for note-taking, I tend to get a flurry of ideas that I will never remember. Without fail. I need to learn from my dodgy ways. I did have an idea for the new CD’s packaging though. I don’t want to whisper anything yet though. It’s a lot…

  • Singles & Videos

    We have two new singles planned. El Cid has already started to show up on some airwaves. There’s a push by my Clip deputies to get it out to some unnamed, mysterious lands. If you’re the sheriff of one of those mysterious, unnamed lands, please step forward and claim a prize! From me. Seriously. Not…

  • Updates & Thoughts

    It’s Thursday morning and the mixing process for the new disc has proven daunting. My lists keep getting longer. Everything feels like a last minute change. I’m getting too fussy. And this brings me to this update…in bullet format. The video contest from Clip Records ends on November 12th. The response has been great. If…