Tag: new cd

  • Where’s The Book?

    A few weeks back, I had mentioned that I would post a page from We Are Revealed. I never did…but I can explain. There were some copyright concerns so I was told to hang loose, wait for the blahblahblah and the papermcwork and generally not be so jumpy. Sorry…I know your day hinged on this.…

  • Website For The New Record

    The engines have started to churn out stuff for the new record. The biggest change has been that there is a website now just for the disc. The images were taken by a U.S. photographer who does a lot of work with the homeless. I’ll pass on his info soon in a proper post. Seems…

  • Lyric for the Title Track “We Are Revealed”

    i was face down on the floorboards the last of the night we all have regrets that we need to take with us i was under the chair with my face on the wood in the cool, i wanted to know forgetting the furnace was mumbling things in the voice of a dad he wanted…

  • Regrets & Effects

    If you search for “There Is No Sin” on YouTube, you’ll find two things: Our music videos, live shows and some fan made videos. Even an animation. Sermons, homophobic diatribes, Christian songs and a few indecipherable films from what appear to be the 70s. This is where the topic of regret comes in. I’m an atheist.…

  • Backstage Video Exclusive at Pop Culture Monster

    I had hesitations about putting out a video that some friends taped on a lark. It was shot with an iPhone, in a cramped hallway, it was awfully rough and a new song to boot. Too late to worry about that now. 🙂 Pop Culture Monster is a website created by two Irish gents, Ciarán Reinhardt…

  • End of Week One. Recording.

    Pete likes to do things differently. I didn’t really know my songs until I had to pick them apart sonically. It was frustrating at first–especially when it came to timing–to be forced to listen for things that I had never stopped to notice. I started to hear things that weren’t there and make up progressions…

  • And Here We Go.

    It’s been a long time since I’ve had to turn to a studio for help. I like the late-night, guerrilla recording method for most of my stuff. Not this record though. There were too many people and too many instruments to consider. On top of this, the mastering guru Mark seems to have vanished inside…

  • New CD Plans

    Questions have been posed about the CD that we’re planning for later in 2010. This one is a bit different from the current disc. We’re going to do a number of guest appearances with some Portland artists. Some pianos, some percussion, some banjo. We’ll see what happens. The live format won’t change. We’re sticking with…