New Lyrics Oct19

New Lyrics

As we’ve been recording and playing new material, we’ve discussed titles. No decisions yet. Tim has another band project. More on that soon.

New CD. Free Song. Mar19

New CD. Free Song.

As promised, we’re offering a free download from the new CD. “Misled” was recently featured on Maine Public Radio MPBN’s In Tune By Ten with Sara Willis. Thanks for listening. Download Now (you may have to right-click to save it)

Finally Revealed Oct26

Finally Revealed

Yesterday, the new CD was released. We’d promised digital first, so there you go. It’s been a manic 24 hours. Here are the links that I know of so far: Clip Records Online Store iTunes Amazon I’ll some more info soon. The release will be on Spotify and MOG despite earlier...

The Great Unveiling Apr29

The Great Unveiling

The new release is still a ways off but here’s a shot of one of the review copies. The disc sits on the front of the We Are Revealed book but it pops off. The photo by Christophe wraps around CD and it blends in. It adds a three-dimensional aspect. We wanted it to…bad joke...

New CD – Lyrics Oct14

New CD – Lyric...

The lyrics below are from one of the new tracks, Answers. Posting them to clarify some earlier quotes. Thx Stop and then explain this The words you say are painless It’s easier to kill these plans Stop packing up these boxes These garbage bags of dresses And tell me I don’t understand The...