January 2010 Jan14

January 2010

It’s the feeling that comes with a Delores Claiborne hobbling. The inability to escape. And it’s the ankle sprain that is causing this. I’m going to be setting a new recording space this month…slowly. In the meantime, there are other tracks to post. Newer ones. Older...

Troy’s Altered Pictures Jan02

Troy’s Altered...

Troy has started a site called Altered Pictures. It’s a gallery for his personal, non-band related photography. Take a look! [UPDATE 5/30/2011: The AP site is undergoing some revisions and won’t be back up until the end of June 2011.]

Tae Kwon Do Monkeys for Christmas Dec20

Tae Kwon Do Monkeys ...

Attack monkeys? Eco vibrators? It’s SNL and we’re not focusing on music at the moment. Distracted. And by day, it’s all presents and schedules and snow. We’ve got a Christmas present for everyone. A special year-end release of free music. We’ll be posting four...

Demo Tracks Dec03

Demo Tracks

A bunch of red wine and a house party. The result? Shakira karaoke. What’s far worse, the audio for this ends up MySpace and an online crowd quickly springs up. They think we’re serious. I accept my fate and say thank you before quietly removing it. I’ve started assembling...

Music Video Just Out. A MySpace Video Exclusive! Nov25

Music Video Just Out...

One more song from the latest CD has made it to video. This time, it’s one of the saddest songs of the year, Performing. Troy performed the song solo for the record and its lyrical content seems befitting of a video featuring building implosions, a mixed martial arts knockout, a surfing...