Tag: troy

  • Gascan Magazine

    Gascan Magazine

    Evan Kanarakis and I had a conversation last year that lead to yet another side project for us. Gascan Magazine is an online music journal was highlights the music that we like and the people who will talk to us. Our goal was to create a non-critical, non-holier-than-thou publication that we could use to counteract…

  • Port City Blue: “Accidental Animals”

    Port City Blue: “Accidental Animals”

    My photos are up for a month at Port City Blue. The theme? Animals that I’ve bumped into around the world. A horse taking a shower in Nice, France. A cow wandering along the highway in northern California. My first impulse was to use the street photographs that I’d taken but I kept noticing the creatures…

  • Play Loud

    Play Loud

    We are chalk lines Grass lined boxes We have no hope of Abandoned metros We lose our way We count our losses And nothing opens Again We down prescriptions Like mementos build up resistance To what upsets us You are the only one I believe We talk ourselves up We push our chests out We hide…

  • Joshua Madore

    Joshua Madore

    This Friday is your one chance to catch a live intimate show of some new material. Joshua Madore’s band will be playing as well. Let’s drink. Location: Not at One Longfellow as pictured. Slainte on Preble. Date/Time: This Friday at 9PM.

  • At The Kennedys

    At The Kennedys

    We weren’t down in Hyannis Port for photos. Mostly drinking. Drinking and some photos.

  • Somebody and Me Show

    Somebody and Me Show

    I recently recorded a live interview with Chicago’s Somebody and Me show. It’s a comedy podcast that often features Chicago bands. It was a bit revealing for someone who doesn’t like confess to much. Sadly, the Skype connection was a bit wonky though and we weren’t able to play a game. It’s always an entertaining show. You can…

  • ER Live on YouTube

    ER Live on YouTube

    I recorded a live song today. If I go the way of Icarus, I wanted to leave with a smile. “ER” from the new CD.

  • Troy’s Altered Pictures

    Troy has started a site called Altered Pictures. It’s a gallery for his personal, non-band related photography. Take a look! [UPDATE 5/30/2011: The AP site is undergoing some revisions and won’t be back up until the end of June 2011.]